As a skin cancer clinician this is the number one question! Most patients often think "Oh its just nothing"
But how do you really know unless you have a trained professional look at it.
There has been countless of times where patients have delayed coming to the doctor when actually they should have come weeks to months earlier.
I had an unfortunate case not long ago, this young man unfortunately has been misdiagnosed with an ear infection, he had a pin head size lesions 2 years ago which has infiltrated most of his ear and requires major reconstructive surgery!
Please do not delay seeing your doctor about a spot, and remember, Doctors get it wrong! I get it wrong sometimes. If it continues to change, grow, get sore, painful, bleeding. Please keep pushing your case!
Remember if we catch skin cancers early, it make your life and my work alot easier! It also even be a case of life and death!
